Liquid Leech

Liquid Willowcat Liquid Leech – Review

Liquid Leech from Liquid Willowcat Liquid Willowcat contacted me a while back asking if I would like to test out their new plastic, the Liquid Leech. The Liquid Leech is a 3.5″ leech shaped plastic. It is scented with attractant, UV enhanced, and aims to realistically mimic a natural leech. Meant to target walleye, trout, and similar game fish, I…

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Fishing Spot Review: Black Lake

What is Black Lake? Black Lake, home to some of my best and worst fishing and camping trips. This lake holds a special place in my heart, and every time I think it’s hit a low point and get fed up with it, it draws me back in with a new high. Located in Nopiming Provincial Park, Black Lake is…

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tooth lake review

Fishing Spot Review: Tooth Lake

What is Tooth Lake? One of my favorite lakes, Tooth Lake is located in Nopiming Provincial Park. A very clear lake with loads of structure for its local inhabitants, it is approximately a 2.5-3 hour trip from Winnipeg. Once there, you can either portage or drive in the 1 km to the water. The drive in is rough (but not…

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the Red River catfish

Fishing Spot Review: The Red River

Ah the Red River. I grew up seeing this River almost every day, but never really appreciated it until recently. Fishing the Red River is an extremely common pastime here. Despite the large angling pressure it receives throughout the year, however, it still provides a productive and accessible fishing experience. What is the Red River? A big river with some…

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Jig, The Universal Bait

Jig, Everyone Has Used One I feel like everyone’s first hook they used was the simple jig, well it was mine anyways. It comes in those pre-assembled lure kits you see in the bottom shelf, or attached to a beginner rod for children. It’s my go-to hook when fishing for walleye, and will grab the attention of most fish lurking…

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